OREANDA-NEWS  By now, the situation with prices for auto parts in the Russian Federation has been stabilized, the cost of parts and components for most brands and models does not change. This was stated by the head of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA) Yevgeny Ufimtsev, his words are quoted by TASS.

Ufimtsev clarified that the stabilization of prices for auto parts in Russia occurred at the beginning of the second half of 2023. Since about that time period, according to him, the cost of parts and components in the country has remained at the same level in annual terms. The expert linked a similar trend with the resumption of the production of spare parts in the Russian Federation. "First of all, this concerns cars that were highly localized in Russia," the head of the RSA said. At the same time, the analyst admitted that certain fluctuations can be traced for individual car brands and models. However, he did not disclose which brands and cars he was talking about.

In addition, since December 2023, the delivery time of foreign auto parts from Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and China has begun to increase amid difficulties with servicing and making payments. As a result, by now the average delivery time for such products is 2-3 weeks, and in some cases it can reach 45 days.